Student Resources


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Department Forms

The forms below will be provided by the student’s academic advisor

  • Application for Comprehensive Exam
  • Approval of Doctoral Dissertation Defense
  • Approval of Doctoral Dissertation Proposal
  • Change of Grade Form
  • Incomplete Form
  • Removal of Incomplete Form
  • Directed Independent Study
  • Field Project
  • Application for Internship – Higher Education
  • Application for Internship – Adult and Community Education

Graduate College Forms

** All completed forms must first be sent to your advisor for review/approval. Your advisor will forward your form to the department chair for approval. **

Please note: The latest version of Adobe Reader is required to download and enter information on Graduate College forms. Once you have completed a form, you can save it as a PDF document on your computer. Click here to download a free version of Adobe Reader.

Department Scholarships

Please go to Scholarship Universe website to apply for scholarships offered by the Department of Educational Leadership and Research Methodology. Here you can browse these and many other sources of financial support offered through a centralized database at FAU.

If you have any questions, please contact the Department’s Scholarship Committee Chair, Dr. John Hardman, at

Donald G. MacKenzie Scholarship
This scholarship was established in honor of retired faculty member, Dr. Donald G, MacKenzie. The scholarship will be awarded to students in good standing within the Department of Educational Leadership preparing to assume leadership positions in schools.
Ernest O. Melby Fellowship Endowment

Graduate students on the Adult & Community Education Leaders track. The criteria for the fellowship include:

  • evidence of field experience in community education;

  • evidence of knowledge of the history & philosophical tenets of community education;

  • evidence of a commitment to pursue a career in community education;

  • evidence of community leadership service;

  • may not hold outside employment during fellowship year.

Harry Harmes Memorial Scholarship
Doctoral student in Educational Leadership.
James D. Logsdon Memorial Scholarship

This fund provides scholarships to graduate students within the College of Education in Educational Leadership for dissertations, which are awarded based on academics and financial need. Applicant must have evidence of an approved dissertation topic, as reflected in their having on file with the department a fully signed Form 8.

Traica Vangeloff Thomas Endowed Scholarship
Graduate students who are enrolled full-time or part-time who are dedicated to community education