SI Information for Faculty
We are located in General Classroom South (GS), room 223. Please refer students to this location for any Supplemental Instruction, tutoring, or overall academic support issues. We are always ready to provide exceptional guidance to our students, faculty, and staff.
Students who attend SI sessions earn higher grades as they learn the content of your course better! Increased learning, isn't that what we all hope to achieve?
- Students who attend SI sessions learn valuable study skills through collaborative peer interactions.
Students often attend SI sessions and study with peers in lieu of going to your office hours to save you some time!
- Our SI motto is "tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand". Let our SI Leaders involve your students in the learning process through their small group sessions in ways you wouldn't be able to do in a large class!
First, we need to identify the need for SI in your course (it must be a "traditionally challenging" or "high-risk course" in which you have a large enrollment and a high DFW rate). If your course meets these criteria and ALL instructors teaching this particular course are interested in SI, contact Elizabeth Abraham
- Our next step will be to determine whether we have the resources necessary to provide SI for your course.
Help us identify potential SI leaders (students who previously earned A’s in your course)
Allow the SI leader to attend your lectures, make occasional brief announcements, and distribute handouts/flyers about SI in class
Distribute a 5 minute SI survey to students at the end of the semester (which we can put on canvas if that helps)
Add the SI leader to your class Canvas page so the SI leader can send reminders about SI sessions
Willingness to promote SI to your class
Willingness to meet with the SI leader (either weekly, bi-weekly, or as needed) to go over their content for SI sessions to ensure they are covering what you feel is important
- Provide grades for students after each exam so that we can compare outcomes of SI vs. non-SI participants.
We highly encourage professors to nominate a student or advocate on a student's behalf. Candidates must have an A or an A- in the course being supported. Students must also maintain no less than a 3.0 cumulative FAU GPA. A link to our current application is located HERE. You may also feel free to email Elizabeth Abraham with any additional information or advocacy.
Your participation in the selection process of our SI leaders is greatly appreciated!
- You may contact the Coordinator of Supplemental Instruction and Peer Tutoring Elizabeth Abraham via email at or call her office at 561-297-3013.
Feel free to go to our FAQ page!
- The SI program began at UMKC. Click here to be directed to their information page.
Thank you for your interest in this wonderful program!